Login in

There are certain functions you need to be logged in to perform like:

1. Manage own books & shelfs
2. Provide book review
3. Rate books etc

To log in to the system please visit Login page. You can login to the system using your email id as well as using your contact number .

Get registered

Obviously yes, for login in you need be a registered member of BOOKSHELVEZ.COM. To do so:

1. User the Register for free membership link in Login page or
2. Click here

Upon submitting your details with available email address and contact number the application will grant your membership and will send you your credentials to your inbox.

Add new shelf

Before adding a book you need to add a shelf with certain racks first. To do so please login first. Then use the left navigation menu
Book Management --> Manage Shelves. Press the Create new shelves button placed on top-right of the Manage Shelvez page. Provide appropirate information and get your shelf ready to store books!

Add new book

As you created your shelf with certain number of racks it's time to take care of your books. As a logged-in user use the left navigation menu
Book Management --> Manage Books to manage your books. To add a new book press the Add new book button placed on top-right of the Manage Books page.

In the book addition page please provide the ISBN number of the book you are about to add. The system will try to find some data to reduce your job here.

I/We sell books

If you sell books and want to advertise your books here, please contact us and get registered as a seller. Here you go, happy selling!